Dr. Gokce Nur Yilmaz is a Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering at TED University, Türkiye. She acts as the Head of the Department and Head of the Interactive Computing and Information Systems Masters Program. She collaborated to many EU and national projects. She is an author of many scholarly articles published in high-impact international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings in collaboration with prestigious authors. She has served as an organizer and scientific committee member of many international conferences. She has been elevated to the grade of the Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is the world’s largest technical professional organization, in February 2022.
Key Achievements and Outputs
-Full-time Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering; -the Head of the Department; -Head of the Interactive Computing and Information Systems Masters Program; -Participation at many EU and national projects; An author of many scholarly articles published in high-impact international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings; An organizer and scientific committee member of many international conferences; the Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Interests

Data analysis; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence